温暖迎春 全球共庆中国年——龙年春节庆祝活动在多国举行 新华社北京2月8日电 综合新华社驻外记者报道:龙年春节是联合国大会通过决议将农历新年列为联合国假日后的首个新年。我驻外使...
With the melody of the children, Evergreen International Community Spring Festival Performance officially kicked off. On the stage, children with different skin colors and different native languages sang "Happy New Year" song together in Chinese. T...
内容:组织文艺、科技、医务工作者、非遗传承人、书画爱好者,开展送文化、送科技、送医疗下乡镇进社区活动。 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU 年 年 有 余 社 火 闹 春 HAPPY NEW YEAR 展演活动 时间:2024年2月24日 (农历正月十五) 地点:县城主街道 内容:组织10支社火队和7辆彩...
On the first day of every Chinese New Year, taxi driver Gu Qingtai decorates his car with red silk ribbons and provides free rides for his passengers. It has been Gu's annual practice for nearly 20 years. This year, however, Gu, of Dalian, Northeas...
HAPPY NEW YEAR 晚会太精彩 任何一帧都不愿错过 贴心的香妹儿把各个节目分段描述 看看哪个是你的最爱 摄影:白桂祥 夜空下的云外楼闪烁着金色的光芒 那是无数新都人 儿时的记忆 除了桂湖...
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